By Kailey Warner
Featured in Caesura 2020: Imago
Notes from Astronomy Class
Kind regards to Dr. Steven Smith
1 trillion known stars in the Milky Way, 100 billion known galaxies, 600 planets found each year.
There’s no up or down in space.
We don’t see things as they are, but as they were.
(Parabolic mirrors have a lot going for them.)
What if God is a nine-year-old boy who just wants to have fun?
“If you’ve ever fooled around with an AM radio at night...”
Your brain doesn’t know what it’s doing.
When you hit a wall, the wall hits you back.
Destructive interference = lower wave frequency.
“You need something above pure energy. You need design and purpose for life to happen.”
The Sun is an ice skater who pulls in her arms as she spins.
A black hole is a non sequitur. It is not black, and it is not empty.
Gravity is the warping of the space-time fabric.
Time slows down as you get closer to the speed of light.
A black hole is the most nonhole object in the universe.
– “just the right amount of clumpiness. A trillionth less clumpy, and we wouldn’t be here” –
We are all made of star stuff.
Kailey Warner is a senior English/Writing major. She enjoys eating watermelon and looking at the stars, ideally at the same time.